December 28, 2020


[Chinese President Xi Jinping had already abandoned the “hide your strength, bide your time” mantra espoused by former leader Deng Xiaoping. Now, with U.S. global leadership in retreat under President Trump, Xi seized on the distractions of the pandemic and the U.S. election to further tighten domestic societal controls and forcefully assert his will abroad — consequently escalating conflicts with the West.]

By David Crawshaw and Miriam Berger

While the United States was preoccupied by its own problems — a presidential impeachment, racial injustice, an out-of-control pandemic and an election cycle like no other — 2020 was the year China showed the world it would rather be feared than loved.

Chinese President Xi Jinping had already abandoned the “hide your strength, bide your time” mantra espoused by former leader Deng Xiaoping. Now, with U.S. global leadership in retreat under President Trump, Xi seized on the distractions of the pandemic and the U.S. election to further tighten domestic societal controls and forcefully assert his will abroad — consequently escalating conflicts with the West.

Here’s a look at some key developments this year:

Taking control in Hong Kong

Hong Kong utterly transformed in 2020. In recent years, the city had become synonymous with its pro-democracy protests. During the summer, China moved to tighten control of Hong Kong, ending the city’s long-standing autonomy and imposing a feared security law that has made almost any dissent punishable by prison.

As 2021 nears, the city’s status as a backbone of global business appears to be in jeopardy while an exodus is underway of democracy activists, in addition to regular families. The fallout has not only hit at home: China’s crackdown on Hong Kong’s freedoms also led the United States to impose sanctions against Chinese officials and spurred Britain to open its doors to Hong Kongers seeking refuge.

[Hong Kong democracy fighters face a dire choice: Go abroad or go to jail]

Repressing Uighur Muslims

China’s campaign against Muslim Uighurs intensified in 2020. Bolstered by the state’s high-tech surveillance powers, China expanded its detention camps and forced labor in the western Xinjiang region, and increased repression of other ethnic groups, including in Inner Mongolia.

Amid growing alarm about the abuses, Western attention is focusing on forced labor in supply chains emanating from China. Beijing has in turn faced increasing resistance in Europe, whose leaders were long regarded by some China watchers as too passive about the Communist Party’s geopolitical intentions. At the same time, Muslim nations — top recipients of Chinese loans and coronavirus vaccine deals — have remained largely silent about the Uighurs’ treatment.

[China is building vast new detention centers for Muslims in Xinjiang]

Retooling the economy

As both the first country hit by the coronavirus and one of the earliest to bring it under control, China’s economy began to recover sooner than other major countries. Nationalistic state media trumpeted the economic revival and the successful virus fight as evidence of the superiority of China’s authoritarian system vs. the democratic West.

But economic realities remain far less rosy. China’s vital export markets remain depressed, while growing bond defaults among state-owned enterprises point to signs of financial stress and looming trouble ahead. China is trying to address these risks by dialing back on state-backed industrial stimulus and refocusing the economy under a “dual circulation” strategy centered on domestic demand and self-sufficiency — but neither can be achieved quickly.

[What the U.S. election means for China]

In 2021, China will also have to contend with the new Biden administration and its own pledge to retool China-U.S. economic relations.

Rising China-India tensions

deadly clash in June between Chinese and Indian forces in the Himalayas escalated tensions between China and India. The deepening friction between the two regional powers led India to draw closer to the United States, as well as to its regional allies Japan and Australia through an emerging bloc known as the Quad. India additionally blocked dozens of Chinese-owned apps, including TikTok, inflicting hefty losses on China’s tech sector. The dicey India-China relationship remains poised for further problems in 2021.

Growing threats against Taiwan

In 2020 Xi and other Communist Party leaders stepped up threats against Taiwan with a sharp rise in military incursions into Taiwanese airspace and increasingly menacing language about seizing control of the democratic island. China also reinforced its territorial claims over the disputed South China Sea, which the United States has said it rejects outright.

Widening Washington-Beijing tensions

Growing tensions with Washington spilled into academia, science and media, with Beijing expelling American journalists and the U.S. restricting visas for Chinese students and Communist Party members. Trump, meanwhile, moved to ban WeChat and TikTok in the United States.

[A U.S.-China detente under Biden? Beijing isn’t betting on it.]

Suppressing domestic dissent

Domestically, Xi showed zero tolerance for dissent in 2020.

[As repression mounts, China under Xi Jinping feels increasingly like North Korea]

The year ends with a growing list of detainees. Ren Zhiqiang, a tycoon who wrote an essay criticizing the Chinese leader’s coronavirus response, was jailed for 18 years. Xu Zhangrun, a Tsinghua University professor, was detained for similar criticisms of pandemic secrecy. Cai Xia, a former professor at China’s elite Central Party School who now lives in the United States, was expelled from the Communist Party after it emerged in leaked audio that she described Xi as a “mafia boss” who had killed his country.


In a case that made headlines worldwide, Li Wenliang, a Chinese doctor silenced by police after he tried to raise alarm about the novel coronavirus long before Chinese authorities acknowledged its full threat, died of covid-19 in February.

[Chinese doctor who tried to raise alarm on coronavirus in Wuhan dies on ‘front line’ of medical fight Chinese doctor who tried to raise alarm on coronavirus in Wuhan dies]

Seizing the narrative

In the backdrop of 2020, China’s “wolf warrior diplomacy” further contributed to increasingly unfavorable views of Beijing in many countries. Officials and state media have repeatedly mocked the United States as a chaotic morass of incompetence, violence and racial tension — a combative take bolstered by the Trump administration’s incoherent response to the pandemic and penchant for extreme rhetoric. Concurrently, China this year moved more aggressively to punish countries that have resisted its pressure, notably Australia, which it hit with import bans.


@ The Washington Post