August 26, 2020


[It, therefore, aroused my interest to see how the Muslim population of Nepal fared. From the census report of Nepal from their website, I observed that the population of Muslims in Nepal increased from  653055 in the census of 1991 to 971056 in the census of 2001 to 1164255 in the census of 2011 and in terms of numbers, it is projected to increase from 3038696 in the census of 2011 of the five most populated districts by Muslims; namely Banke, Kapilbastu, Parsa, Bara and Rautahat to 4305233 by 2031. (As projected by the Nepal Planning Commission, Central Bureau of Statistics in their website accessed on 14 Jan 2020)]



By Shiv Om Rana PhD*


Internal security of a nation is considered more important than external security. For an external misadventure by any nation in this age will call for an international outcry and may even have an intervention. Therefore, it is exceedingly difficult to invade any country in the twenty-first century as most of the countries are members of the United Nation Organization.


Notwithstanding, some parts of the country may be occupied by a neighbouring country only with the active connivance and support from the separatist forces within the country. As in the case of Georgia parts of which has been occupied by Russian forces since 2008. Why? because there has been a separatist movement in that part of Georgia ever since USSR was disintegrated in 1992.


I was studying the demographic changes in India, especially in parts of North-Eastern states, West Bengal, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh. I found that there has been a visible change in the behaviour of the population in those states consequent to the change in demography. It was revealed that most of the demographic changes that happened in UP & Bihar, occurred in the districts which were in the international boundary with Nepal like Kishanganj, Araria, Supaul,  Madhubani, Sitamarhi and Motihari in Bihar and Pilibhit, Lakhimpur Kheri, Balrampur and Maharajganj in UP.


It, therefore, aroused my interest to see how the Muslim population of Nepal fared. From the census report of Nepal from their website, I observed that the population of Muslims in Nepal increased from  653055 in the census of 1991 to 971056 in the census of 2001 to 1164255 in the census of 2011 and in terms of numbers, it is projected to increase from 3038696 in the census of 2011 of the five most populated districts by Muslims; namely Banke, Kapilbastu, Parsa, Bara and Rautahat to 4305233 by 2031. (As projected by the Nepal Planning Commission, Central Bureau of Statistics in their website accessed on 14 Jan 2020)


Point of concern

The population distribution of Nepal has been as under for the last seven decades (Comparing only Hindus against Muslims as per Wikipedia accessed on 14 Jan 2020):



                    Hindus (%)     Muslims (%)



     1952/54        88.87                2.54


     1961           87.69                2.98


     1971           89.39                3.04


     1981           89.50                2.66


     1991           86.51                3.53


     2001           80.62                4.20


     2011           81.34                4.39


It is reasonable to assume that there will be an increase in the percentage of the Muslim population in the coming decades.


According to a Harvard University study, the Islamisation of a country cannot be stopped once the Muslim population reaches 16 percent of the total population. This what Islam expert, Nikoletta Incza, said on 22 June 2019 on Hungarian public television.


Incza points out that many countries that are Islamic today were originally Christian, for example, Turkey, Egypt ad Syria.


According to her, the Islamisation of a country is already inevitable, when the proportion of Muslims of the population is about 16 percent. It will take another 100 to 150 years before the Islamisation is complete.


Open, free and democratic societies are particularly vulnerable. Dr Hammond says, “when politically correct, tolerant and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components creep in as well". He further states that from 5% on, they exercise an ordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of "Halal food" and increase along with threats for failure to comply.




My observation came for the Muslims in Nepal while studying its rise in Indian states. Samuel P Huntington has said that Christianity grows primarily with a conversion. But Islam both by conversion and reproduction. (Clash of Civilization and Remaking of the World; p 65). And having seen the rise in population in some of the Indian states, I would like to add a third dimension to it – and that is by migration.


Nepal having an open border with India which is as porous as a sieve, Indian districts, as mentioned above, having a disproportion of the rise in Muslim population and the recent legislation of the Govt of India to implement National Register of Citizens, it will be reasonable to assume that the movement of illegal immigrants may find ingress into Nepal. In that concern is this write up. My only idea of writing this is to forewarn the authority that is to be vigilant in this regard.



"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" --- Lao Tse, a Chinese philosopher.


“Nature subjects the weak to the strong”  -  Seneca




* The author is from New Delhi, India. Picture courtesy Islamization Watch

Comments :

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Upendra Gautam <0000000@000000000>

Date: Thu, Aug 27, 2020 at 5:00 AM



Very interesting. What about non-Muslim numbers and also "New Citizens’" number ? All these taken together may give us more complete national perspective. Let us read together.


Upendra Gautam

Kathmandu, Nepal.


---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Ram Chhetri <0000000000@0000000000>

Date: Thu, Aug 27, 2020 at 12:47 PM



Thank you for your perspectives.  It should serve as a wake up call for the government/s.


Ram B. Chhetri