By Sune Engel Rasmussen
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Hekmatyar, pictured in 2001.Photograph:
Afghan government is finalising a peace deal with the insurgent leader
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, possibly paving the way for a political return for one of
the most notorious figures of Afghanistan ’s modern history.
details remain unresolved, but a confidential draft agreement, seen by the
Guardian, sheds light on concessions the Afghan government is willing to grant
insurgents at a time when attempts at reconciliation with the Taliban are
to the deal is legal immunity from past crimes, including terrorist attacks. It
raises questions about whether forgiveness will bring stability, or make Afghan
politics even more toxic.
who heads the Hezb-i-Islami militant group, was a prominent Pashtun commander
during the anti-Soviet resistance and the pre-Taliban civil war, during which
he indiscriminately shelled Kabul . Before disappearing into hiding in 1997, following the Taliban
takeover, he racked up an almost unparalleled record of human rights abuses.
to the draft deal, the government led by Ashraf Ghani will offer Hekmatyar
amnesty for past offences, as well as safe havens inside Afghanistan for him and members of his movement. According
to the New York Times, residences, guards and vehicles for this purpose could
amount to $4m (£2.8m) a year.
government will also release an “agreed list” of Hezb-i-Islami prisoners, and
will help resettle 20,000 refugees from Pakistan , many of whom are thought to be Hekmatyar’s
followers. While the government cannot on its own have Hekmatyar removed from
international terror lists, a central demand of his, it promises to use “all
resources and efforts” to remove penalties imposed on him.
his part, Hekmatyar pledges to cut ties to terrorist groups, and abide by the
Afghan constitution. He also appears to have relinquished a longstanding demand
that international forces leave Afghanistan before signing a peace deal.
successful, Hekmatyar will not be the first alleged war criminal to reintegrate
into post-2001 Afghan politics. Abdul Rashid Dostum, an Uzbek leader who was
accused of suffocating Taliban prisoners in shipping containers, is now first
vice-president. Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, whose followers committed ethnic massacres
and who mentored 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, was a presidential
candidate in 2014.
amnesty inscribed in the deal has concerned human rights experts, who say
Hekmatyar’s crimes are too abhorrent to be forgotten. His followers were behind
a 2013 suicide bombing killing 16, including six Americans. They have been
accused of throwing acid in faces of women they thought dressed immodestly, of
submitting refugees in Pakistan to torture.
could Hekmatyar possibly offer that would justify turning a blind eye to his
past atrocities? Nothing,” said Patricia Gossman, senior Afghanistan researcher with Human Rights Watch. Attempts
to “achieve stability by embracing the very people responsible for the worst
crimes of the past few decades are misguided”, she said. “This impunity is not
merely a symptom of the weakness of the Afghan state, but an underlying cause
of it.”
representatives of ethnic groups who suffered at the hands of Hekmatyar struck
a more conciliatory tone. “This is not the Hezb-i-Islami of 20 years ago,” said
Zahir Sadaat, a Tajik MP from Panjshir.
Satar Khawasi, a Tajik MP from Parwan, said: “They are not that powerful
anymore. If Hekmatyar came to Kabul , it would help the peace process, and help
bring peace and stability to Afghanistan ”. However, both agreed that the government
should not give powerful positions to Hekmatyar.
Hekmatyar’s political importance has waned over the years, a peace deal could, as
one western official put it: “be a litmus test of actual reconciliation – can
the Kabul elite absorb a big new player? Can the
refugees resettle peacefully? It’s an important moment.”