officials and military planners say the new plan for Afghanistan is not a direct response to the deteriorating conditions
in Iraq . Even so, the shift could give Mr. Obama a political
shield against attacks from his Republican rivals in the presidential race who
have already begun criticizing him for moving too swiftly to extract troops
from Afghanistan .]
By Thom Shanker And Eric Schmitt
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Tyler Hicks/The New York Times
American troops on a mission in Paktika Province, Afghanistan,
last fall. Under a new plan, elite units will soon play a bigger role.
The plan, if approved by President Obama, would
amount to the most significant evolution in the military campaign since Mr.
Obama sent in 32,000 more troops to wage an intensive and costly
counterinsurgency effort.
Under the emerging plan, American conventional forces,
focused on policing large parts of Afghanistan, will be the first to leave,
while thousands of American Special
Operations forces remain,
making up an increasing percentage of the troops on the ground; their number
may even grow.
The evolving strategy is far different from the withdrawal
plan for Iraq , where almost all American forces, conventional or
otherwise, have left. Iraq has devolved into sectarian violence ever since the
withdrawal in December, which threatens to undo the political and security
gains there.
Pentagon officials and military planners say the new plan
for Afghanistan is not a direct response to the deteriorating conditions
in Iraq . Even so, the shift could give Mr. Obama a political
shield against attacks from his Republican rivals in the presidential race who
have already begun criticizing him for moving too swiftly to extract troops
from Afghanistan .
Unlike in Iraq , where domestic political pressure gave Prime Minister
Nuri Kamal al-Maliki reason to resist a continued American military presence
into 2012, in Afghanistan , President Hamid Karzai and his senior aides have
expressed an initial willingness to continue a partnership with the United States that includes counterterrorism missions and training.
Senior American officials have also expressed a desire to
keep some training and counterterrorism troops in Afghanistan past 2014. The transition plan for the next three years in
Afghanistan could be a model for such a continued military
The new focus builds on a desire to use the nation’s most
elite troops to counter any residual terrorist threat over the coming months as
well as to devote the military’s best trainers to the difficult task of
preparing Afghan security forces to take over responsibilities in their
The plan would put a particularly heavy focus on Army
Special Forces, also known as the Green Berets. They would be in charge of
training a variety of Afghan security forces. At the same time, the elite
commando teams within Special Operations forces would continue their raids to
hunt down, capture or kill insurgent commanders and terrorist leaders and keep
pressure on cells of fighters to prevent them from mounting attacks.
Created by President John F. Kennedy in the 1960s, the
Green Berets have as one of their core missions what is called “foreign
internal defense” — using combat, mentoring, language and cross-cultural skills
to train local forces in rugged environments, as they are today in missions
conducted quietly in dozens of nations around the world.
Just as significant would be what the American military’s
conventional forces stop doing.
Americans would no longer be carrying out large numbers of
patrols to clear vast areas of Afghanistan of insurgents, or holding villages and towns vulnerable to
militant attacks while local forces and government agencies rebuilt the local
economy and empowered local governments.
Those tasks would fall to Afghan forces, with Special
Forces soldiers remaining in the field to guide them. This shift has already
begun to take place.
The defense secretary, Leon E. Panetta, surprised NATO allies last week when he announced that American forces
would step back from a leading role in combat missions by mid-2013, turning
over security responsibilities to Afghan forces a year earlier than expected.
The description of the shift to a Special Operations mission in Afghanistan by
senior officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the final
plans have not been approved, go a long way toward explaining what Mr. Panetta
sketched out for the allies.
White House officials confirmed in broad terms the shift to
a Special Operations mission, and said a formal announcement on the future of
the mission was expected at the May summit meeting of NATO leaders in Chicago.
“The president said in June that when the drawdown of surge
forces is complete in September, U.S. troops will continue coming home at a
steady pace and our mission will shift from combat to support as the Afghans
take the lead,” said Tommy Vietor, the National Security Council spokesman.
The United States has about 90,000 troops in Afghanistan , with 22,000 of them expected to leave by this fall. No
schedule has been set for the pace of withdrawal for the 68,000 American troops
who will remain, although some administration officials are advocating for Mr.
Obama to order another reduction by the summer of 2013.
The planning for a transition of the Afghanistan mission is a central effort among the Pentagon’s civilian
planners and the military’s Joint Staff, as well as among officers at the
United States Central and Special Operations Commands.
Senior Pentagon officials involved in the planning
acknowledge that a military effort with a smaller force and a more focused
mission could be easier to explain to Americans who have tired of the large
counterinsurgency campaigns of Iraq and, previously, Afghanistan .
To be sure, some American conventional units would be
called on to handle logistics and other support services — transportation,
medical care, security — to enable the Special Operations missions to continue.
But that would require a far smaller American presence to
help the Afghans protect recent security gains while minimizing American
expenses and casualties.
The plan first calls for creating a two-star command
position overseeing the entire Special Operations effort in Afghanistan . Next, the three-star corps headquarters that currently
commands the day-to-day operations of the war — and is held by an Army officer
from the conventional force — would be handed over to a Special Operations
Officials said that no final decisions had been made on the
timing of the transition, although it is likely to begin late this year as the
rest of the surge forces are withdrawn. There has also been no decision on the
number of troops to be committed to the mission as it evolves in 2013 and into
2014, officials said.
Officials noted the progress in creating new “Afghan Strike
Force” units to carry out commando-type raids, and they said that the effort to
create an Afghan National Army — which had been focused on building as large a
force as possible — would shift to emphasize quality and capability.
Officials conceded that the Afghan National Police program
remained a huge disappointment, but said that a great value in American
investment had been organizing local Afghan police units, drawn from the
villages they are assigned to protect.