[Negotiators appear close to
agreeing on how to structure a fund that is supposed to generate $100 billion a
year in public and private financing for climate change programs by 2020. They
have also made progress on programs to save tropical forests from clear-cutting,
transfer clean-energy technology to emerging nations and refine systems for
verifying that countries are taking steps to cut emissions.]
By John M. Broder
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Joe/Agence France-Presse - Getty Images
climate change talks in
on Monday.
Mr. Xie outlined five conditions under which
“These conditions are not new,” Mr. Xie acknowledged at a briefing here where more than 190 nations are gathered for the 17th annual conference of parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. “These have been negotiated for the past 20 years.
“What is most important so far is to implement existing commitments and review efforts undertaken by the parties, and after that we can think about what should be done after 2020 and beyond.”
Todd D. Stern, the American climate change envoy, said that the
For a legally binding agreement to take hold, “it’s going to be absolutely critical that it applies to all the major players, and
“All the major players are going to have to be in with obligations, with commitments that have the same legal force,” he added. “And that means there’s no conditionality, they’re not conditional on receiving technology or financing, there’s no trap doors, there’s no Swiss cheese in that kind of an agreement.”
The dispute between the
Jo Leinen, the German Social Democrat who leads the delegation from the European Parliament, lashed out at both superpowers on Wednesday afternoon.
“What is really frustrating to see is this conference is again hijacked by the Ping-Pong game between the
The standoff has threatened to derail the process in each of the past several years, but at the end of the two-week session the parties usually pull back from the brink and announce an incremental, face-saving deal. This year’s talks appear headed for the same sort of conclusion.
Negotiators appear close to agreeing on how to structure a fund that is supposed to generate $100 billion a year in public and private financing for climate change programs by 2020. They have also made progress on programs to save tropical forests from clear-cutting, transfer clean-energy technology to emerging nations and refine systems for verifying that countries are taking steps to cut emissions.
The holy grail of these talks, a global treaty encompassing all nations and limiting temperature rise to 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit above pre-industrial levels, appears as elusive as ever.
Weary of the inconclusive jousting on a treaty with teeth, many delegates and observers say that small progress may not be a bad thing.
Elliot Diringer, executive vice president of the Center for Energy and Climate Solutions, a private research and advocacy group in
“This preoccupation with ‘binding’ has become more an obstacle than a means of progress,” he said in an e-mail. “The reality is that key players including the
“Rather than arguing over that year after year, we should focus on strengthening the international climate framework step by step.”
[The purchased brides
are duplicated as maids and eventually abandoned. Moreover failure to give
birth to a male child can result in dire consequences for them. Sunil Singh of
the Rahi Foundation, an NGO active in Punjab , says,“These women, who have been bought as wives, have no rights at
all. They are brought here only as commodities and nothing else. One can also
see that women are being trafficked here from states with high poverty like
Orissa and West Bengal because their families need the money given in exchange.” Apart from parents voluntarily selling their daughters
off in dire need of money, there are cases of kidnapping as well where the
families never get to know of the whereabouts of the girls.]
By Ritika
In the villages of Punjab and Haryana marriage is no more a sacred union of two
individuals. Instead it has increasingly become a trade, whereby brides are
purchased from far off states of Eastern India for a meager price ranging
between Rs.30,000.00 and Rs.50,000.00 The situation does not look as surprising
if we considered the sex ratios of these states, with Punjab having 893 females
per 1000 males and Haryana lagging behind even more at only 877 females per
1000 males (The Hindu dated 28/08/2011).
This issue raises two major concerns. Firstly, what has
caused the sex ratio to look so dismal? And secondly, the human rights issue
involved with this whole practice of purchasing of brides. Looking at the first
reason, the cause of the issue is the age old practice of discrimination against
girl child which takes the form of female foeticide and female
infanticide. Carrying forward their primitive
mindsets the people of these states continue to show a shameless bias for sons.
They consider son a blessing who will earn for the family and will be the
inheritor of its wealth. On the other hand, daughters are considered to be a
burden. To us, this sounds appallingly backward but this is the reality of
these northern parts of our country. What follows this is a serious dearth of
girls available for marriage and thus the practice of buying of brides. This
leads us to our second issue. These girls who are purchased from poverty
stricken villages of Orissa, Bihar , West Bengal , Jharkhand and Assam are treated as commodities. They are frequently subjected
to increased domestic
violence and
abuse, forcibly cloistered inside their homes to cook, keep house and, above
all else, produce male offspring(s). Thus, the major expectation from these
girls is that they will provide the family with the son of the house.
The purchased brides
are duplicated as maids and eventually abandoned. Moreover failure to give
birth to a male child can result in dire consequences for them. Sunil Singh of
the Rahi Foundation, an NGO active in Punjab , says,“These women, who have been bought as wives, have no rights at
all. They are brought here only as commodities and nothing else. One can also
see that women are being trafficked here from states with high poverty like
Orissa and West Bengal because their families need the money given in exchange.” Apart from parents voluntarily selling their daughters
off in dire need of money, there are cases of kidnapping as well where the
families never get to know of the whereabouts of the girl.
Finding a solution for
this will require us to look at both the problems simultaneously. The long term
solution to the problem is literacy and awareness. There is a need to change
the mindsets of the people regarding the girl child. And this is the only
solution if we wish to completely uproot this problem. However, while this
happens we cannot sit on it and let it take its time. Strong penal measures
need to be adopted against killing and trafficking of girl child.
To curb the exploitation
against these brides both government and human rights NGOs have an important
role to play. While the government can come up with stricter and more effective
laws against women exploitation, NGOs can help with the awareness and
implementation part. Also these organizations can provide support to the
victims of trade marriages by supporting them and helping them in becoming self
dependent. They can provide assurance to these exploited women and fight for
their cause.
It is important that we
understand that with practices like these being followed in parts of India , the dream of India becoming a developed state will remain a distant dream
you come across such cases of bride-buying, we highly recommend getting in
touch with Jagori and informing them about the case. If they are not functional in
your city, they will put you in touch with the right people there.