April 28, 2019


[Shock waves from the devastating bombings a week ago could still be felt in Sri Lanka on Sunday, amid emotional vigils and “house-to-house searches” for people linked to the six attacks on churches and hotels. In a reminder of the continuing threat, the archbishop of Colombo, the capital, suspended Sunday church services for security reasons. Instead, he offered a televised Mass from his home.]

By Mujib Mashal and Hannah Beech

Priests outside St. Anthony’s Shrine in Colombo, Sri Lanka, on Saturday. The archbishop
of Colombo, who called off Mass at the country’s churches for security reasons,
conducted a televised Sunday service from his home. Credit Adam Dean
for The New York Times
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka — The Shrine of St. Anthony, one of the most famous landmarks in Colombo, is revered as a place of miracles, and not just for Catholics.

Thousands of Sri Lankans every day — among them Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims from far corners of the diverse nation — find their way to the shrine in a corner of the church, seeking relief from disease, financial troubles or even relationship stress.

But for Sagaya Devi Edison — who stood outside the closed shrine on Sunday morning waiting for a prayer session and vigil, hands clasped and tears running down her cheeks — the miracle was personal.

Ms. Edison and her 23-year-old daughter survived the Easter Sunday attack at the church because, while they were seated all the way in the front, the bomber entered through the rear and detonated his explosives there. The shrine, she reasoned, must have been looking after them.

“Everything I have is because of St. Anthony,” she said.

Now, they said, they were praying for the souls of the more than 250 people who did not make it through the attacks that day.

Shock waves from the devastating bombings a week ago could still be felt in Sri Lanka on Sunday, amid emotional vigils and “house-to-house searches” for people linked to the six attacks on churches and hotels. In a reminder of the continuing threat, the archbishop of Colombo, the capital, suspended Sunday church services for security reasons. Instead, he offered a televised Mass from his home.

The Islamic State, in a statement over the weekend, claimed responsibility for three additional suicide bombings, which occurred Friday during a raid by security forces on a hide-out of National Thowheeth Jama’ath, its local affiliate believed to have carried out the attacks.

The police and relatives identified three of the 15 people killed in the house as the father and two brothers of the ringleader, Zaharan Hashim. The only two survivors at the house were identified as his wife and 4-year-old son. The Sri Lankan military has denied Islamic State claims of inflicting casualties to its forces.

The statement was accompanied by a picture of Mr. Zaharan posing with a younger brother, Rilwan. Both were named in an internal security report this month that warned of potential attacks. Members of Mr. Zaharan’s immediate family have followed his radical ideology for years.

In an unverified video circulating online, Mr. Rilwan and another of Mr. Zaharan’s brothers — not a brother-in-law, as previously reported — are seen discussing martyrdom and jihadism. Their finger-wagging threats are repeatedly interrupted by crying children, both in the background and on the lap of one of the brothers.

“Even if we are annihilated or killed, this won’t stop,” Mr. Rilwan said in the video, the wall of the room matching that of the safe house that was raided. “Even if our wives die, we will meet them in heaven.”

At St. Anthony’s Shrine on Sunday, workers were still busy cleaning up after sailors hosed down the floors. Plaster was being removed, and peeling, heat-scorched paint scraped away. Outside, dozens of worshipers, like Ms. Edison, still showed up.

They gathered on the street outside, singing hymns and lighting candles behind several layers of barricades. Police officers and soldiers dotted the area, with commandos keeping watch from the tallest buildings. Some non-Catholic neighbors joined in a gesture of solidarity, while others watched the procession of grief from their balconies.

As the bell started tolling just before 9 a.m., the same time the suicide bomber had detonated his explosives, the worshipers wept openly.

“I can’t sleep,” Ms. Edison said. “There are children now without fathers, without mothers,” she said, choking on her words.

Ms. Edison said she had turned to the church ever since her first child was kidnapped and killed when she was 3. She prayed for more children, and then for their safety and success.

“My son is in Canada,” she said. “I prayed for him at the church. He wanted to go abroad. And after that he was able to go abroad.”

In local legend, even the church’s origin is associated with miracles. During the Dutch colonial period, when the government persecuted Catholics, a traveling pastor was permitted to erect a church after he was seen planting a cross and successfully praying for a village threatened by rising waters.

Among the many miracles attributed to St. Anthony, the local community fondly remembers an unscheduled stop by Pope John Paul II in 1995.

People lined both sides of the highway as the popemobile moved toward the state reception. When the convoy arrived at the shrine, the pope tapped the window and asked to be let out, to the surprise of his own guards and local security officers.

He had to use the restroom. But his stop at the church, where he spent time with a small group of worshipers who had given up on catching a glimpse of him on the highway, is etched in local memory as nothing less than a miracle.

“People of all religious faiths come here,” said Jancy Rani, 58. “No matter what they ask for, it comes true.”

Ms. Rani said two of her sisters had survived the Easter Sunday bombing while at Mass.

“Their ears became upset,” she said. “They were 10 benches in front of where the explosion happened.”

On Sunday morning outside St. Anthony’s, the mood was grim. The hymns during the hourlong vigil, which ended with a candle lighting, were frequently interrupted by sobbing. Some covered their faces with their palms, others daubed tears with the edge of their saris.

If they were angry at the politicians, who were having a more exclusive vigil in front of them in a cordoned-off area close to the church, they didn’t show it. But everyone knows the government, stuck in internal bickering, failed to act on repeated intelligence warnings.

“As Catholics, we are taught forgiveness,” said John Anthony, a 58-year-old apparel exporter who starts his day at the church before going about his work. “The past is the past.”

But as if looking for some sort of consolation, the talk among the worshipers on the street was of the latest miracle. A small statue of St. Anthony, believed to be over 150 years old and standing not very far from where the bomber struck, survived without even a crack.

“Nothing happened to the statue,” Mr. Anthony said with awe.

Father Chamara, a priest at the shrine, said the statue had been moved to the archbishop’s house on Sunday morning for the televised Mass. Sri Lanka’s president and prime minister also attended.

He said the only marks on the statue were some bloodstains on the cloak. “The bloodstains, we have kept them,” he said.

Aanya Wipulasena contributed reporting.