July 10, 2018


[But there was no immediate claim of responsibility for the Jalalabad event, although the Islamic State confessed to being behind a wave of deadly strikes in the city including last week when 19 people, many of them from the minority Sikh and Hindu groups, were killed.]

By Sayed Salahuddin

Afghan policemen inspect the site of a suicide attack in Jalalabad city, Afghanistan
July 10, 2018. (Parwiz/Reuters)
KABUL — At least 15 people were killed on Tuesday in two separate attacks by militants in Afghanistan as Islamic scholars gather in Saudi Arabia to discuss the legitimacy of Taliban’s war against the U.S.-backed government of President Ashraf Ghani.

One of the attacks, conducted by a suicide bomber, happened near a government security checkpoint on the outskirts of the eastern city of Jalalabad where 12 people, including security forces and civilians were killed, according to provincial officials.

The second strike targeted government civil servants in Ghazni province which lies to the southwest of Kabul and is a bastion for the Taliban insurgents. Several people, including a district chief, lost their lives in that incident, officials said.

The Taliban said it was behind the raid in Ghazni.

But there was no immediate claim of responsibility for the Jalalabad event, although the Islamic State confessed to being behind a wave of deadly strikes in the city including last week when 19 people, many of them from the minority Sikh and Hindu groups, were killed.

Officials said the Taliban unleashed a number of attacks elsewhere in the country in the past 24 hours ahead of a two-day meeting of Islamic scholars from around the world which began on Tuesday in Saudi Arabia.

The Afghan government expects the gathering to term the Taliban insurgency and use of suicide attacks in Afghanistan as unlawful, like similar such meetings have recently in Kabul and in Jakarta.

The gathering comes amid show of repeated optimism by Afghan government officials in recent days about holding direct talks with Taliban leadership following last month’s brief and unexpected truce during the Eid holiday ending the fasting month of Ramadan.

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The Taliban refused to reciprocate an extension to Ghani’s unilateral cease-fire and has conducted bloody attacks against government forces, drawing harsh criticism against Ghani for his move from his political rivals.

They militants repeatedly since said the group will not engage in talks with the “powerless” Kabul government until foreign troops leave the country.

Speaking during a conference with visiting Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Ghani on Monday said the brief truce had opened an opportunity for peace in Afghanistan and that its 40 years of war cannot come to an end in one night or day.

Commenting on the Saudi gathering, the Taliban urged the kingdom and the clerics to back the group in its war against U.S.-led troops in the country, pledging to continue to its insurgency until all foreign troops leave the country.

“The Afghan Mujahid nation does not expect authorities of Saudi Arabia and scholars to side with American invaders in this fight between Islam and disbelievers,” the Taliban said in a statement.

“Our nation, due to Islamic brotherhood hopes that Saudi government will help and support our weak nation in this arduous time,” the statement added. “The Afghan Mujahid nation is still thankful to the Saudi Arabia for their assistance in Jihad against the Soviet Union invasion.”