Dec.2 1984 there was a massive toxic leakage of Methyl Isocyanine gas from
Union Carbide factory killing tens of thousands and maiming even more. In the
midst of this horrendous occurrence, a miracle happened which made researchers
all over the world take note: a handful of people remained unaffected. The only
factor that was different for these people was that they had been regularly
practising Agnihotra for several years. I actually met one of these people on a
visit to Bhopal in 2001. He told me how his family, in the
midst of people suffering and dying all around, had escaped the dreadful
effects of the cyanide gas poisoning and that he could only attribute this to
the daily practice of Agnihotra.]
Fritz and Lee Ringma
our first Agnihotra healing fire, we realised we were in touch with a tool that
can bring actual positive changes to our environment, both outer and inner.
is ancient technology from Ayurveda that has been renewed for these times to
deal with worldwide pollution. It involves a small fire ritual performed at
sunrise and sunset in an inverted copper pyramid. When done correctly, a flood
of life force descends, neutralising pollutants and rejuvenating all in its
Agnihotra, and its extended science called Homa Therapy, is rejuvenating soil, water
and atmosphere on farms, restoring harmony in the home, reducing crime in
neighbourhoods and bringing health to bodies and minds, leaving stress and
disease behind.
good to be true?
we had a keen interest in community living, self-sustainability and organic
food, we purchased land in 1993 in the drought-stressed Hunter Valley , NSW, to see what Homa Therapy could do. The
land was over-farmed, the soil tired and lifeless, no worms to be found and the
atmosphere burdened.
our surprise it took only three days of sunrise and sunset Agnihotra fire to
neutralise the oppressive feeling in the atmosphere.
took only three months to see big changes in the soil – despite ongoing drought
it became moist, friable, full of worms and greener than neighbouring farms.
the ground water
sunk a bore and hit water at 30 meters. A lab test revealed salinity at 1150
ppm and a pH of 9.5; not conducive to healthy plant growth.
was an opportunity to see the effect of Agnihotra on ground water. We performed
Agnihotra by the bore well and placed Agnihotra ash regularly down the bore. The
Department of Water Resources was testing bores in our area – so we had the joy
of witnessing the water improving in quality with every successive test. Now
the water is within world standards of potable drinking water measuring a pH of
7.2 and 720 ppm salinity.
quality Homa organic produce
several years now we have been producing high quality organic vegetables, grains,
pulses and potentised herbs, with minimal irrigation. With Homa such results
are common worldwide. Just today we received an email from fellow Australians
who have been conducting a similar experiment in the desert – like state of
Maharastra in India: “We had agricultural experts here last week, totally
baffled by our …healthy turmeric crop in an area where they do not usually grow,
as well as cotton, all without chemical application. This is, of course, testimony
to the power of intensive Homas.” Bruce Johnson, India , Sept 2006.
regular practice of Agnihotra healthy, peaceful biospheres are formed
to ancient knowledge the changes biosphere towards for 12 km and are
approximately 2/3 of a km diameter in width. Our experiment on our land proved
itself and the property is now a Homa Teaching and Healing Centre. Living in
and visiting a Homa biosphere is healing in itself. Pollution puts stress on
the atmosphere, which in turn burdens the mind. Agnihotra undoes this, bringing
relief daily. This healed atmosphere has amazingly fast psychotherapeutic value.
psychotherapy and de-addiction
young man who had been struggling with substance abuse since childhood has this
to say:
was regularly using drugs as a way of blocking out a traumatic childhood of
sexual abuse. After three months of daily Agnihotra I have lost all desire to
take drugs, with no withdrawal or mood swings… I am more patient with my
children and more loving and understanding towards my partner. A short time ago
I found it near impossible to get out of bed. Now I awake looking forward to a
new day…”
Sigel , Blue Mountains NSW, July 2006
there is protection from manmade and natural disasters – the Bhopal [India ] tragedy in 1984:
Dec.2 1984 there was a massive toxic leakage of Methyl Isocyanine gas from
Union Carbide factory killing tens of thousands and maiming even more. In the
midst of this horrendous occurrence, a miracle happened which made researchers
all over the world take note: a handful of people remained unaffected. The only
factor that was different for these people was that they had been regularly
practising Agnihotra for several years. I actually met one of these people on a
visit to Bhopal in 2001. He told me how his family, in the
midst of people suffering and dying all around, had escaped the dreadful
effects of the cyanide gas poisoning and that he could only attribute this to
the daily practice of Agnihotra.
can make an extraordinary difference to the quality of our lives
beauty of Agnihotra is that anyone can perform it, benefiting not only
themselves but also their environment. It is an empowering way of serving the
whole, building natural biospheres where healthy organic food can easily grow
and where harmonious relationships can thrive in a transformative atmosphere
renewed daily by a simple practice.
and Lee Ringma operate a not for profit Association called HomaTherapy
Association of Australia dedicated to teaching Agnihotra, Homa Therapy and Homa
Organic Farming, free of charge, at their teaching Centre, Om Shree Dham, in
the Hunter Valley and through workshop tours. Recommended international website-
homatherapy.org email: omshreedham [at] optusnet.com.au