[The fact of the matter, according to the media, is that the Deputy Prime Minister Gautam himself told it all to the public. Was it required for him to bewail the way he did seemingly for the loss of integrity or was he actually telling something different to his young party cadres that he was going to take action against the police officer, at least kick him out somewhere else ? While speaking at a public meeting in Dhulikhel, a small township to the east of capital city of Kathmandu, the deputy prime minister had told in front of the people that the senior superintendent of police, SSP Kharel, who has nowadays launched a massive hunt against duns, thugs, goondas and other unsocial elements that have terrorized people, reportedly under some political party protection, since long in the country didn’t go to see the former in his office or home either. The deputy prime minister seemed upset with the officer and downright angry also ! The Deputy Head of Nepal Government further said, “The SSP thinks he would be humbled meeting with me.”]
By B. K. Rana
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Bam Dev Gautam: Google picture |
Now a days, Nepal’s
Deputy Prime Minister, that is to say his name, appears everywhere on social
media in the negative parameters. While on the same capacity in 1997, the
Deputy Prime Minister was praised all along for having been so serious about
people’s life and property, however, he had actually been successful also to
quickly spur the dread in the minds of people of Tamakoshi basin hyping a possibility
of Chhorolpa glacial lake outburst. The people had believed him then, bought his
idea of temporal management of the swelling glacial lake which did luckily for
them never burst out.
But this time, the very Deputy Prime Minister, Bam Dev
Gautam who looks after homeland security and interior administration also is reportedly
in some troubles. A group of civil
society activists have warned of steering public protests against the Deputy Prime Minister should he ‘remove’ Senior Police Superintendent, Ramesh Kharel, deemed to be a right officer,
from his job in Kathmandu. The Kathmanduites now believe law and order have begun rolling back to normal since the officer took charge. What is
something ridiculously serious about it is that a mid-level employee officer
refused to meet with the current Deputy Head of Government of Nepal under whom
he discharges his duty!
How did we know about
it ?
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Ramesh Kharel |
The fact of the matter, according to the media, is that the Deputy Prime Minister Gautam himself told it all to the public. Was it required for him to bewail the way he did seemingly for the loss of integrity or was he actually telling something different to his young party cadres that he was going to take action against the police officer, at least kick him out somewhere else? While speaking at a public meeting in Dhulikhel, a small township to the east of capital city of Kathmandu, the deputy prime minister had told in front of the people that the senior superintendent of police, SSP Kharel, who has nowadays launched a massive hunt against duns, thugs, goondas and other unsocial elements that have terrorized people, reportedly under some political party protection, since long in the country didn’t go to see the former in his office or home either. The deputy prime minister seemed upset with the officer and downright angry also ! The Deputy Head of Nepal Government further said, “The SSP thinks he would be humbled meeting with me.”
What a joke?
The Deputy Head of
Nepal Government Bam Dev Gautam would have ordered the Secretary of the Home
Ministry who also in turn, would have ordered SSP Kharels’s ultimate boss,
Nepal's Inspector General of Police – IGP, what the Deputy Prime Minister had
wanted the SSP to do ?
In an email to us this
morning Kalyan Bhattarai, a Nepalese political analysit writes, ‘honesty brings
power and strength to bring dishonest people to their knees’. The Deputy Prime
Minister has been lampooned very recently for having amassed wealth and riches
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adarsha Tuladhar <adarsha.tuladhar@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 1:30 AM
To: The Himalayan Voice <himalayanvoice@gmail.com>
Cc: Office of the Chairman and Council of Ministers Nepal <info@opmcm.gov.np>, Ex-PM Surya Bahadur Thapa <rastriyajanashaktiparty@gmail.com>, Ex-PM Madhav Kumar Nepal <gamknepal@gmail.com>, Ex PM Jhala Nath Khanal <jhalanath@gmail.com>, "Ex PM Dr. Baburam Bhattarai" <bhattaraibaburam@gmail.com>, "K.P. Sharma Oli" <sharmaoli@gmail.com>, US Embassy Kathmandu <usembktm@state.gov>, British Embassy Kathmandu <BEKathmandu@fco.gov.uk>, Embassy of India <amb@eoiktm.org>
From: Adarsha Tuladhar <adarsha.tuladhar@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 1:30 AM
To: The Himalayan Voice <himalayanvoice@gmail.com>
Cc: Office of the Chairman and Council of Ministers Nepal <info@opmcm.gov.np>, Ex-PM Surya Bahadur Thapa <rastriyajanashaktiparty@gmail.com>, Ex-PM Madhav Kumar Nepal <gamknepal@gmail.com>, Ex PM Jhala Nath Khanal <jhalanath@gmail.com>, "Ex PM Dr. Baburam Bhattarai" <bhattaraibaburam@gmail.com>, "K.P. Sharma Oli" <sharmaoli@gmail.com>, US Embassy Kathmandu <usembktm@state.gov>, British Embassy Kathmandu <BEKathmandu@fco.gov.uk>, Embassy of India <amb@eoiktm.org>
This is nothing but "colonial mentality" or "hakimi para"...it is obvious that SSP Kharel is the biggest 'threat' to him in terms of extorting the duns, thugs..
Let the PM and the IGP speak on this issue...let the IGP clarify whether he would approve a direct meeting between officers at his department and the Home Minister without suspecting some 'behind the back' experience. He is not meeting his 'target' of amassing fortune every month and hence is getting out of his mind.
While visiting the DPM and the departmental Minister would have made for 'courtesy ', yet hasn't time come in Nepal where high-placed people expect "chakadi" and the people from lower ranks make it as their duty to go for "chakadi".
Bam Dev Gautam is not a 'person'; he is man personifying the ugliest face of corruption in Nepalese politics. It's not for nothing CPN-UML wanted the post of DPM and Home Ministry and for him..
Adarsha M. Tuladhar
Total Management Services (P) Ltd.
Total Management Services (P) Ltd.
mobile: 9841888226 and 9741071741
[One of the protagonists in the video is a blurred faced alien lady who talks of some (international) laws, that may very well not be the laws of the land. How deeply is she knowledgeable of Nepalese rules and laws on such social issues ? Why would have she needed to talk so loud? Did she really plan to take care of all abandoned children of Nepal ? It doesn't seem any possibility, does it ? Was that good for her to tell the way she did to some people on 'child trafficking' ? ]
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Freedom Matters to tackle Aama-Ko-Ghar |
watching the British Channel 4's 'Unreported World' video posted onto Freedom Matters' portal on 'the growth of
voluntarism where westerners are encouraged to donate their time and money to
help vulnerable children in Kathmandu's
orphanages' one may hear the anchorman further say " new type of child
trafficking where, children become commodities".
But we are also at a loss to understand why would Freedom Matters go for tackling 'Amako Ghar' ? Please see the picture. (You may also click the caption link to go to their portal) Doesn't it look premeditated ? Yes, its language really does read so. Does it feel it has some obligation towards all abandoned children in Nepal ? If yes, it is something appreciative people would like very much.
One of the protagonists
in the video is a blurred faced alien lady who talks of some (international)
laws, that may very well not be the laws of the land. How deeply is she knowledgeable of Nepalese rules and laws on such social issues ? Why would have she needed to talk so loud? Did she really plan to take care of all abandoned children of Nepal ? It doesn't seem any possibility, does it ? Was that good for her to tell the way she did to some people on 'child trafficking' ?
But this is really a disturbing video ! ( Many thanks to Freedom Matters for posting the video to
let us also know what's happening in
'New Nepal', kind of. )
Likewise, in the
other Power News Video also there are lots of unanswered questions. Dilshova Shrestha has at
least two unanswered questions below:
a) Earlier some years
back before this all happened, why had CCWB - केन्द्रीय बाल
(sounds it's a government entity ) - sent some children to 'Ama(ko) Ghar', an
elderly care home, in the first place ?
(Such homes are always regulated and receive government grants in the US. But
in Nepal's context voluntary social organizations help out the government !)
b) The government, finding some children being
taken, cared or reared in 'Ama(ko) Ghar already last year or so, seemed to have tried
to regulate and told to amend the latter's by-laws or charter whatever. And
Dilshova also seemed to have complied with, at least wanted to do so. But why did the government not
strictly follow up and regulate then while Dilshova was willing to do so?
But Dilshova Shrestha's plea in the
video - "I know nothing, I am not educated, I just know giving 'warm'
love" and "not knowing laws and rules .." ("मैले
, मैले
न्यानो माया मात्तै
.. " ), however, it is so painful may not be an excuse to allow her violate any laws of the country. Such a plea won't help her much. Also how could she manage such an elderly care home which would house some other abandoned children also ? It becomes a huge enterprise for her to manage.
In the meantime, is
'Ama(ko) Ghar' run only by Dilshova Shrestha ? It looks like 'a one man show' or kind of a one person show. We have not been able to hear more of her management team. How does it is look like ? She also needs to
come with a smart management team, doesn't she ?
But those crying
children in the transport van standing outside 'Ama(ko) Ghar' evidenced
Dilshova had given all her love to them grow well and good.
May god bless Dilshova
Shrestha if there is one down there !
a press release World Newha Organization, the WNO President Dr. Bal Gopal
Shretha writes, “ We have carefully reviewed all the allegations and
explanations from both sides of the controversy and found that the government
agencies have not been operating in a free and fair manner. They have made Dil
Shova Shrestha a victim of repression and discrimination. The WNO would like to
urge the government to immediately stop such irresponsible behaviour towards Dil
Shova Shrestha not to hurt her any further. The WNO also demands all those perpetrators
involved in this conspiracy against Dil
Shova Shrestha broght to justice. We appeal all citizens of Nepal, political
parties, non-political organizations, and justice-loving community of Nepal to come
forward and voice in solidarity with Dil Shova Shrestha and help punish the
culprits who have orchestrated such an unimaginably dirty practice against a
woman who has been doing extraordinary social service in Nepal.”
Please read full text here.
Please read full text here.