June 6, 2013


[In men, testosterone levels normally begin a gradual decline after the age of 30. The average levels for most men range from 300 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter of blood. But testosterone levels can fluctuate so greatly depending on so many factors — sleep, the time of day, medication — that many men who fall into the hypogonadal range one day will have normal levels the next.]
The number of middle-aged men with prescriptions for testosterone is climbing rapidly, raising concerns that increasing numbers of men are abusing the powerful hormone to boost their libidos and feel younger, researchers reported on Monday.
Testosterone replacement therapy is approved specifically for the treatment of abnormally low testosterone levels, a condition called hypogonadism. The hormone helps build muscle, reduce body fat and improve sex drive. But a study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine found that many men who get prescriptions for the hormone have no evidence of a deficiency at all.
The new study is the largest of testosterone prescribing patterns to date, involving nearly 11 million men who were tracked through a large health insurer. The report showed that the number of older and middle-aged men prescribed the hormone has tripled since 2001.
Men in their 40s represent the fastest-growing group of users. About half of men prescribed testosterone had a diagnosis of hypogonadism, and roughly 40 percent had erectile or sexual dysfunction. One third had a diagnosis of fatigue.
The medical group that sets clinical guidelines for testosterone replacement therapy, the Endocrine Society, recommends treatment only in men who have unequivocally low testosterone levels. That finding requires a blood test. But the new report found that a quarter of men did not have their levels tested before they received the hormone. It was also unclear what proportion of men who did undergo testing actually had results showing a deficiency.
Testosterone therapy can cause thickening of the blood, acne and reduced sperm counts. Many doctors worry that it also raises the risk of heart disease and prostate cancer, though some experts say that those concerns are unproved. Jacques Baillargeon, the lead author of the new research, said that the safety of long-term testosterone use had yet to be established in good studies.
“I think these relatively healthy men who are starting testosterone at age 40 are potentially going to be exposed for a very long time, and we don’t know what the risks are,” said Dr. Baillargeon, an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.
In men, testosterone levels normally begin a gradual decline after the age of 30. The average levels for most men range from 300 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter of blood. But testosterone levels can fluctuate so greatly depending on so many factors — sleep, the time of day, medication — that many men who fall into the hypogonadal range one day will have normal levels the next.
Some studies estimate that up to 30 percent of men ages 40 to 79 have a true deficiency, though only a small percentage actually develop clinical symptoms like depression, hot flashes and erectile dysfunction.
Dr. Ronald S. Swerdloff, an endocrinologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, and an author of the Endocrine Society’s treatment guidelines, said the recommendations were “quite clear” that treatment is for men who have had blood tests showing a testosterone deficiency, as well as symptoms consistent with the disorder. “I don’t think it’s appropriate for patients to be treated for hypogonadism without chemical evidence to support it,” he said.
Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, a professor of urology at Harvard Medical School and the author of “Testosterone for Life,” said the findings were a good sign that more testosterone deficiencies were being diagnosed and treated. While many doctors worry about the side effects of testosterone abuse, he said, there are also studies showing that men with low testosterone levels have shorter life spans and an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and osteoporosis.
“Aging is associated with bad vision, bad hearing, bad teeth, bad arteries, bad joints and cancer, and we treat all of these things,” Dr. Morgentaler said. “I think it’s an unfair stretch to say that because something is common or natural that we shouldn’t treat it.”


[People with fair skin have much more of a problem with photo-aging and skin cancer than those with darker skin, Dr. Gilchrest said. But if asked to speculate about whether darker-skinned people would retain more youthful skin if they used sunscreen, she said she thought they would.]
By Gina Kolata
People who diligently use sunscreen every day can slow or even prevent for a time the development of wrinkles and sagging skin, a new study found. Although dermatologists have long told people to use sunscreen to prevent aging, this is the first research to show an actual effect on the appearance of skin, researchers said.
The study involved 900 white people ages 25 to 55 in Australia, where intense sun exposure is a fact of life. Most had fair skin, and nearly all burned in the sun. Most were using sunscreen at least some of the time, and two-thirds wore hats in the sun.
But researchers wanted to find out what would happen to skin if people tried to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen all the time over four and a half years. Half of the study participants were told to continue their usual practices, and the other half to slather on sunscreen daily.
The result, the researchers reported on Monday in The Annals of Internal Medicine, is that those assigned to use sunscreen every day had noticeably more resilient and smoother skin than those assigned to continue their usual practices.
The study also included nearly 900 people who were randomly assigned to take beta carotene, a nutritional supplement, or a placebo to see if the supplement prevented skin aging. It did not.
The sunscreen element of the study impressed other researchers. Dr. David R. Bickers, a dermatology professor at Columbia University who was not involved in the research, said it “makes it clear that extensive, consistent use of sunscreen can alter a pattern of what would be an inevitable progression of photo-aging.”
Until now, he said, most studies of sun-damaged skin were conducted with mice, not people, and it was not clear whether the results would be the same.
Dr. Barbara A. Gilchrest, a dermatology professor at the Boston University School of Medicine and the editor of The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, said she, too, found the study convincing.
Dr. Gilchrest, who was not associated with the study, noted that its subjects were not inveterate tanners but rather people who tried to protect their skin.
“They were not taking the worst sun offenders and taking them out of the sun,” Dr. Gilchrest said. “Everyone had pretty darn good sun-protection habits to begin with.”
No one had done such a study before because the very idea is daunting, dermatologists said. Hundreds of healthy people had to agree to follow their assigned regimens for years.
The sunscreen used by those assigned to daily applications had a sun protection factor, or SPF, of 15, which filters 92 percent of the sun’s rays. Someone who would normally burn in 10 minutes would burn in 150 minutes with an SPF 15. Those assigned to use sunscreen even had their sunscreen bottles weighed to make sure they were using it.
“Getting compliance over a sustained period of time is no mean feat,” Dr. Bickers said. “To me, it is remarkable that they were able to get the degree of compliance that they did.”
The sunscreen study was paid for by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. No sunscreen makers contributed.
Researchers studied only white people in Nambour, northeast of Sydney. Participants agreed to let researchers make silicone casts of their skin at the start and the end of the study to assess how their skin had aged.
The study’s principal investigator, Adele C. Green, a senior scientist at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research and her colleagues there and at the University of Queensland had previously shown that this method provides the same sort of information as a skin biopsy. With a biopsy, dermatologists look at elastin, the elastic tissue, which degrades with aging, contributing to wrinkles and sagging skin.
It is easy to see the effects of aging in a biopsy, said Dr. David J. Leffell, a professor of dermatology and surgery at Yale. “Instead of nice pink fibers, you see a purple amorphous material. It is almost like looking at a photograph through a lens covered with Vaseline.”
The silicone molds allowed experts to look at corresponding changes on the skin’s surface. In making a mold, a subject first stretched the skin on the top of a hand by grasping a cardboard tube and making a fist. Then a researcher covered the top of the hand with silicone and peeled it off, forming the mold.
Assessors, who did not know whether the subjects were using sunscreen, examined the lines in the silicone molds and graded them from 0 to 6.
A score of 0 means no photo-aging at all. “It’s like a baby’s skin, resilient,” Dr. Green said. “There is a fine network of lines under a microscope.”
A person with a score of 6 has severely aged skin, with no elasticity and deep lines. Every point on the scale represents coarser skin and increased wrinkling on the hand, the face or wherever the skin is being assessed. On the face, each point is also associated with a greater number of visible small blood vessels.
At the start of the study, the median score in both groups of subjects was 4, which means they had moderate photo-aging. At the end, those assigned to daily sunscreen use still had a median score of 4, but those in the control group had a median of 5.
The study does not answer the question of whether people older than 55 would also have more youthful skin if they used sunscreen, Dr. Green cautioned. After 55, she said, aging’s effects on skin start to predominate. And the effects of ultraviolet light on skin are cumulative.
It is not known how much sunscreen can help if its use is started later in life. But Dr. Green would advise it anyway, she said, because it can protect against skin cancer.
The study also does not answer the question of whether darker-skinned people could protect their skin from wrinkling and sagging by using sunscreen.
People with fair skin have much more of a problem with photo-aging and skin cancer than those with darker skin, Dr. Gilchrest said. But if asked to speculate about whether darker-skinned people would retain more youthful skin if they used sunscreen, she said she thought they would.
It is not clear that anyone will ever get an answer for darker-skinned people, though, said Dr. Robert A. Swerlik, a dermatology professor at Emory University. With less photo-aging in darker skin, it would take longer to see an effect, if there was one, he noted.
“If the study could be extended long enough and people could be enticed to use screening agents diligently, an effect likely could be shown in darker-skinned people,” Dr. Swerlik said. But, he added, “whether it is worth the effort to religiously apply sunscreen over many years when your personal probability of benefit is uncertain and perhaps low is another story.”