[Parties talk of the enhancement of ethnic tribes. Fine! But look at the current pattern of the political parties’ caste and ethnicity wise? The fact is that Brahmins dominate practically each and every political party. In the Nepali Congress, Sushil Koirala, and Ram Chandra Poudel, the two Brahmins, rule the roost, however, Kul Bahadur Gurung has been left in the cold. Similarly, let’s now talk of the Maoist party. Here also Prachanda and Babu Ram Bhattarai have greater say in the party affairs whereas Ram Bahadur Thapa Badal-Magar and the likes are being deliberately ignored. Likewise, the UML too has this problem. Jhal Nath, Madhav Nepal are the Brahmins whereas Subash Nembang and many more have also been sidelined. These parties talk one thing and act just the otherwise. The practices are different for those leaders who are not Brahmins.]
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Lawoti: Well, it was neither a secret meet nor we wanted to do anything otherwise as such. In New Nepal, things are blown out of proportion. It has become like a fashion now. Definitely, we discussed that the country was fairing through a rough weather and that we also talked about the deteriorating law and order situation plus of the prevailing political instability. The parties have not been able to perform their job well but yet make tall claims. It is this that when something is being done or even a meet of this sort is organized between friends, panic prevails in several camps.
Others enjoy luncheon and dinner in five star hotels at the cost of national coffer, we, on the other, enjoyed the Nepali food.
Q: It is rumored that your talks centered on the revival of the Nepali Monarchy? Is it that as is being talked?
Lawoti: Well, to tell you frankly, we need not make any efforts in reviving the now sidelined monarchy. The Monarchy will itself emerge eventually. Rest assured. But we did not talk about the monarchy and its revival or whatsoever as is being calculatedly rumored. We need not to advocate for the revival of the monarchy because the people know it better as to who were responsible for the current political instability-a mess in effect- in the country. Look, those who make claims that they were the major parties have failed time and again to select one Prime Minister for the country. But the question is also that how and why to take them as bigger parties? It has been more than eleven years that the parliamentary elections have not been held. The people will decide, if there is election held, as to which parties have what strength in the eyes of the people. Election will determine the actual strength of the parties. The Constituent Assembly has already become defunct and thus there is the urgent need for its dissolution. Those who have made a joke of the nation and pushed the country to this disorder must be taken to task as per the prevailing laws of the land. This is what I talked among my old friends at the meet, to be more precise.
Q: The general impression has been that since you and your party have been talking of a sort of plebiscite on matters pertaining to constitutional monarchy, declaration of Hindu state and federal order and thus you may have tried to convince your friends on your standard view points? Was it so? How they responded?
Lawoti: No! It is not that. I can’t press others to agree to my standard stand points or say party views. Well, since the meet took place after a long gap, talks centered on how to restore peace and provide security to the lay men and for that we all talked on how we all can unite in this regard so that adequate security is provided to the larger segment of the Nepali population.
Q: So what were the condensed results of the meet? Can you tell us Mr. Lawoti?
Lawoti: A single meet can’t draw conclusions. It takes time. The process has just been initiated. The ball has been set rolling. Albeit, we agreed to be in regular contact and also agreed that such meets must continue in the future as well.
Q: Did the meet also talk on the possibility of the party unity among and in between the former Royalists scattered now in various political paraphernalia? What were the discussions?
Lawoti: Yes! We agreed to continue dialogues. We talked about the failure of the major political parties and its impact, which is there for all to see, on the country’s overall political situation. We felt that the abject failure of the major parties was leading the country to yet another violent conflict. We sensed that a sort of ethnic conflict was round the corner in the name of the institutionalization of federal order. Here each and every ethnic tribe wants to have a separate King for them. So how many Kings then? If several Kings emerge at a time then what will happen to this country ultimately?
Parties talk of the enhancement of ethnic tribes. Fine! But look at the current pattern of the political parties’ caste and ethnicity wise? The fact is that Brahmins dominate practically each and every political party. In the Nepali Congress, Sushil Koirala, and Ram Chandra Poudel, the two Brahmins, rule the roost, however, Kul Bahadur Gurung has been left in the cold. Similarly, let’s now talk of the Maoist party. Here also Prachanda and Babu Ram Bhattarai have greater say in the party affairs whereas Ram Bahadur Thapa Badal-Magar and the likes are being deliberately ignored. Likewise, the UML too has this problem. Jhal Nath, Madhav Nepal are the Brahmins whereas Subash Nembang and many more have also been sidelined. These parties talk one thing and act just the otherwise. The practices are different for those leaders who are not Brahmins.
Q: The Rastriya Jan Shakti Party, RJP, and the Rastriya Prajatantra party, RPP, have already initiated their unification efforts. What about your own party-the RPP-Nepal? Your comments please.
Lawoti: I think, we must unite at the earliest or how can we proceed together? In the past, I have had the honor of having worked together with Surya Bahadur Thapa, Lokendra Bahadur Chand, Rajeshwar Devkota, Pasupati Shumsher and Rabindra Nath Sharma in a single team at different intervals of time. I was then Vice Chairman when they were then at the helm of party affairs. Now I am with Kamal Thapa’s RPP-Nepal wherein again I am the Vice Chairman of the party. My conclusion has been that unless we unite or say converge at one common platform, we will not have a grand say in national politics. If we remain scattered, we will not command political authority. If we unite, our combined strength will be counted in the national politics. I think, unification will increase our strength and political capabilities.
Q: Some presume that you are not that much satisfied with the party to which you represent at the moment as it should have been? What is your personal comment in this regard?
Lawoti: It is not at all true. I am not unhappy with anyone in the party as is being said. It is just the love and honor of the people that I am here today in this position. If election is held tomorrow, it would again be the people who will extend their loving care to me and my party. I got elected from my home constituency for all along twenty five years or so. I am the one who enjoy people’s love, honor and support. If I have some reservations over party’s affairs, I can push my grievances right at the party meet. I can also form another party as well if I so desire. But yet, I would say that I have no grievances against the party as such at least for the moment. That’s all.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shiv Rana
Date: Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 12:45 AM
Subject: Re: Your Comment Posted
To: The Himalayan Voice
Dear Editor,
It will indeed, be a sad day for Nepal if the monarchy makes a come-back. And I understand some people including Prachanda himself, is exploring the possibility. (As per the media report).
I agree with Dr Raman Raj Misra that, to quote him "Democracy in Nepal had failed after the fifties also" unquote. But the question is how to make the democracy function in Nepal? It can not be allowed to be governed in an autocratic/ monarchy in a civilized world. The multi party system adopted by Nepal for democracy did not work and therefore it is time to switch over to the two party system, as I had advocated. (Part 2 coming soon)
Thanks and take care.
Col Shiv Om Rana, PhD
Mob # +91 99999 07870
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Misra
Date: Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 2:10 PM
To: The Himalayan Voice
Comical to know that Monarchy is still the topic, among journalists, parties, etc. Nostalgia or wishful thinking or fear ?
Democracy in Nepal had failed after the fifties also. But our intellectuals had wanted to experiment with it, even after having seen it fail.
Externally imposed systems are not sustainable. Imitation, by definition, will not be genuine. But our intellectuals had thought and still think otherwise.
Raman Raj Mishra, PhD
Kathmandu, Nepal.