April 26, 2010


Youth Responsibility and Creativity for a better China-India Relationship in the 21st Century
2007 – 2010
Why an Indian and Chinese Citizen's Assembly in 2010?
2010 年中印公民大会的意义

China and India have ancient civilizations and a long history. The two countries have created splendid cultures and made indelible contribution to human progress. In the past several millennia, the two great civilizations have drawn upon each other's strength and left a glorious chapter in the annals of global civilization. The people of India and China started cultural exchanges and trade centuries ago. Eminent Chinese monks Fahien and Huen Tsang went to India on pilgrimages, and Kumarajiva and Bodhidharma brought Buddhist classics from India to China. They were great pioneers in the long history of exchanges between our two peoples.

In modern times, both the countries enjoyed mutual sympathy and support in the struggle for independence and liberation. Today, both China and India are on the fast track of economic and social development, demonstrating to the world the bright future of the two countries and the promise of a revitalized Asia. China and India have carried out productive cooperation in many fields and our relations have maintained good momentum of all-round development. Last year, China and India established the strategic and cooperative partnership for peace and prosperity, which ushered in a new stage of growth in China-India relations.

中印两国历史悠久,文明源远流长。两国文化光辉灿烂,为人类的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。在 绵延几千年的历史演进中,两国交相辉映,共同谱写了世界文明史上的绚丽篇章。
早在几个世纪以 前,印度和中国的人民就展了文化交流和贸易往来。
中国高僧法显和玄奘取经西行,天竺鸠摩罗什 和达摩祖师负笈东来,
取各自国家的独立和解放的过程中相互支援,情同手足。今天,中国和印度又共同走上了经济和社 会发展的快车道,向世界昭示着两国光明的未来和亚洲复兴的希望。
中国和印度在许多个领域开展 了富有成效的合作,两国关系呈现出全面发展的良好势头。
去年,两国成功建立了面向和平与繁荣 的战略合作伙伴关系,

In enhancing China-India relationship, we need to both boost bilateral cooperation and be global and future-oriented in outlook. As young leaders of China and India, we should act with vision, view China-India relations in a long-term and strategic perspective, seize the opportunity to enhance the good-neighborly friendship and all-round cooperation and forge closer strategic partnership.

发展中印关系既要着眼双边合作,更要面向世界、面向未来中印的青年领袖应具备前瞻性,以长 远和战略的眼光看待中印关系发展,抓住当前有利时机,加强睦邻友好关系,
推进全面合作,打造 更为紧密的战略伙伴关系。

The year 2006, India and China Friendship year embarked between the two nations a normal relationship with each other after years of mistrust. There has been a significant "all-round development" between the two countries.

2006年是中印友谊年,中印两国多年的不信任被打破,两国关系开始正常化。两国关系在各个方 面有了长足的发展。

The Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World supported by  Foundation for the Progress of Humankind (FPH) since 1991 is involved with the ongoing China-India exchange which has helped in creating a small wave of inter-cultural learning between the two countries.
人类进步基金会(FPH)致力推动的“协力、尽责、多元世界联盟”从1991年开始把中印交流纳 入它的职责范围,在两国的跨文化交流中制造了一个小浪潮。

To enhance China-India friendship and cooperation there definitely is a need for an Indian and Chinese Citizens assembly to bring an Asian resurgence with India, China as partners and this should be carried through programs as proposed through following activities. This will be carried out from the year 2007 and up to 2010 through, inter-cultural dialogue, more peopleto- people contact, responsible tourism, exchanges and fair trade.

为了推动中印友好合作,印中公民大会无疑可以带来中印合作下亚洲的复兴,这需通过一些列的活 动来实现。2007- 2010 年间相互文化对话,更多的民间交流,互信的旅游业,
互通有无和公平贸易 恰起到了这种作用。

Phase I (February 2007)

ChinaIndia Youth Inter-Cultural Dialogue in Beijing,China (February 2007)
中 印青年人跨文化对话,中国,北京( 2 007 2 月 )
China-India Forum is an initiative of the Indian and Chinese youth participants (Anugraha John, Deepa A G, Mandakini, Prateek, Weida Ye, Tianji Zhao and Dunfei Chen) which met at Baide University, Beijing, China in February 2007 by the support of the FPH. This meeting was successfully facilitated by Mr.Gustavo Marin, Prof. Zhao Baisheng, Prof. Yue Dai Yun,
Mr. Chen Yueguang, Prof. Jin Siyan and GE Haibin without which this forum wouldn’t have seen the light of the day.

中印论坛是由一群印度和中国的年轻人发起的(Anugraha John, Deepa A G, Mandakini, Prateek, Weida Ye, Tianji Zhao and 陈顿斐),于20072月在FPH的支持下,于北京大学召开。
Gustavo Marin先生、赵白生教授、乐黛云教授、陈越光先生、金丝燕教授和GE Haibin的支持和 推动是本次会议得以成功召开的保证。
China-India Forum is a platform for cross-cultural dialogue and action working towards a responsible, plural and harmonious society in the interest of both the countries.
中印论坛是跨文化对话的平台和进一步行动的基础,并使两国在互惠互利前提下,朝着信任,多元 和和谐的方向发展。
China-India Forum recognizes that youth both as key agents and target groups
have a unique and vital contribution in promoting a new paradigm of cultural diversity, crosscultural dialogue and sustainable development.

中印论坛认识到,青年既是关键的行动者,也是论坛的目标群体。他们在推动蕴含着文化多样性、 跨文化对话和可持续发展的新范式形成过程中,将做出独特和重要的贡献。

The China-India Forum in its second phase will emphasis on the potential role and contribution of youth to meet the following objectives.
在中印论坛的第二阶段,为了实现下列目标,论坛将重点讨论青年如何扮演他们的角色,作出他们 的贡献。

Objectives of the China-India Forum

1. To Promote Chinese and Indian Cultural and Historical Pluralism. 扬光大中国和印度 文化和历史多元性。
2. To enhance cross-cultural dialogue and exchange of knowledge and shared values of both cultures. 加强跨文化对话,深化知识交流,凸现共享的价值观。
3. To create a society of “Citizens of the Earth”: a well-informed and committed young people with a clear vision about the intercultural understanding in a world where local and global issues are intertwined.


4. To foster peace initiatives, consolidating democracy, good governance and sustainable living for bridging gaps 加强和平建设,巩固民主、良好治理和可持续生存,架设桥梁,
5. To put forward alternative perspective on key issues affecting the environment , IT, Education, cultural process within China and India 针对影响中国和印度的环境、IT、教 育、文化过程的关键问题交换意见。

V ision of China-India Forum 2007 to 2010
中 印论坛 2 007-2010 展 望
China-India Forum will create a platform for the government, media, religious leaders, local people of both countries, farmers, youth, women, businessmen and other professionals, educational institutions to come together to have a cross cultural dialogue for the citizens of both the countries to live in harmony, solidarity, understand the rich culture of both lands and work towards a nonviolent society.
中印论坛将为政府、媒体、宗教领袖、两地人民、农民、青年、妇女、商人以及其他从业人员、教育机构搭建平台,以期达成跨文化对话,使两国公民能够生活在和谐、团结的社会中,理解彼此文 化的丰富性,共同创造一个非暴力的社会。
This vision will be carried out through various activities throughout the three years
2007: China-India Forum Youth Festival
2008 & 2009: China-India Inter-Cultural Dialogue for Sustainable Development,
Global Governance and Peace
2008 & 2009: 中印跨文化对话:可持续发展、全球治理及和平问题
2010: Chinese and Indian Citizens Assembly
Phase II (March 2007 – February 2008)
ChinaIndia Forum Inter-Cultural Exposure and Youth Festival (August 2007)
中 印论坛 跨文化接触和青年节( 2 007 8 月 )
15 Youth delegates from China will travel to India for a cultural exposure and exchange and dialogue in August 2007in preparation for the vision of the forum and the Indian-Chinese Citizens Assembly in 2010.
20078月,15名中国青年代表将去印度,通过文化接触、交流和对话,为即将在2010年举行的 中印公民大会做准备。
I. Preparatory Process (March 2007 – July 2007)
1. Research and Documentation
Both Chinese and Indian Facilitating Team will be responsible for gathering documents in English and Mandarin languages of all the themes proposed for the China-India Forum Youth Festival. A summary of these documents will be prepared for the workshops in August 2007.For each of themes proposed for the festival there will be a Coordinator/s from the Facilitating Team and Experts in the particular theme who will prepare short papers for presentation and discussion in a participatory workshop during the festival.

2. The China-India Forum website (www.chinaindiaforum.org.in)
2.中印论坛网址 (www.chinaindiaforum.org.in)

The China-India Forum’s website will be open to the public between May 2007 and end of February 2008. Documents and Internet links related to the themes of the China-India Forum will be available on the website. Citizens of both the countries, especially the youth will be invited to express their views and suggest possible solutions to issues raised in the China-India Forum.

中印论坛网址将从20075月至20082月末向公众开放。网页上有和中印论坛主题相关的文件和网 络链接。我们欢迎两国公民,尤其是青年,
并提出可行 的解决方案。

II. Cultural Exposure for the Chinese Youth in India (August 2007)
I I . 中国青年在印度的文化接触( 2 007 8 月 )

Chinese youth will visit both rural and urban India during their short visit in India. These exposures will give them a brief idea of Indian Culture, History, Youth life, Farmers living in the villages, Interaction with College and University students. After a seven day cultural exposure there will be a three day youth festival in the Silicon Valley of India.

中国青年将在印度作短暂停留,其间将访问印度城市和乡村地区。希望通过文化接触,中国青年能 够对印度的文化、历史、青年人的生活、

III. China-India Forum Youth Festival
III . 中印论坛青年节

China-India Forum Youth Festival will be a gathering of social youth change makers (15 Chinese, 15 Indians and at least 5 from other countries as observers/ moderators) to discuss common concerned issues to both the countries, to find out possible solutions and implement the same in preparation to the Citizens Assembly in 2010. This Festival will see a geo-cultural diversity of China and India.


A. M ethodology
A . 工作方法
This youth festival will be not just be a workshop (theme based and non-theme based) oriented festival but also a gathering to celebrate life and cultural diversity but share and exchange both contemporary and traditional art, dance, music and food of both the countries.

本次青年节以讨论组(主题讨论组和无主题讨论组)为导向,但意义不限于此,它还是一次庆祝美 好生活和突出文化多样性的聚会, 也是两国古今艺术交流、舞蹈、音乐和美食的盛会。

- Theme Based Workshop (See Appendix 2)

1. Indian and Chinese Cultural and Historical Pluralism 印度和中国的文化多元性和历史多元性
2. Environment Concerns and Water problems in India and China 中印两国环境问题和水问题。
3. Role of Women in India and China 中印妇女角色问题。
4. Education and Information Technology 教育和信息技术问题。
5. Role of Spirituality, Materialism and Religions (Buddhism and Confucianism) in
Promoting Social Harmony and Peace in globalised India and China. 精神性,唯物主义和宗教
6. Contact and Communication 接触和交流
7. Health – HIV & AIDS 健康-艾滋病毒与艾滋病问题。

There will be open non theme-workshops for youth to discuss other issues that they feel is more relevant and to dialogue about.

B. Outcome of the China India Forum Youth festival
B . 中 印论坛青年节成果

1. Charter of the China-India Forum 中印论坛宪章

The China-India Forum will have draw its ethical principles based on the The Charter of Human Responsibilities. At the end of the China-India Forum Youth Festival it will have its own Charter.


2. Documentation (Video and Print) 文献(录像和印刷品)

There will be a printed publication and video produced of the whole process of the China- India Forum from the Phase 1 and up to the China-India Forum Youth Festival. These will be very important documentation for the planning and processing of activities of the Forum for the next few years.

阶段1到中印论坛青年节 的讨论内容将结集出版,并对全程录像。这些资料

3. Way Forward: Planning the Socio-Professional workshops in 2008 & 2009 and the Chinese and Indian Citizens Assembly in 2010. 后续工作:策划2008-2009的社会职业讨论组和2010年 的中印公民大会。

Phase III. Follow Up (September 2007 – February 2008)
第三阶段. 跟进 (20079-20082月)
Proposal China-India Forum, Chen Dun Fei
Source: China-India Youth Forum